Gus’ 21 Acres Synchronicity
Gus’ 21 Acres Synchronicity
Of more immediate use to my ‘Ecovillage Econometrics Project’ is 21 Acres, a remarkable center for Sustainable Agriculture Education. Recall that I achieved Transcendental Enlightenment when I was 21 years old. Food, diet, and fasting were very important; along with empathy for all life that transformed into a Universal Imperative to make life better for all in every way possible. This has driven me to study many subjects, including economics; and being previously familiar with the health and ecological reasons for organic foods and sustainable farming (including Permaculture, Restorative Agriculture, Polyculture, Biodynamic Gardening, etc.) I realized that it would be useful to engage in an ‘Ecovillage Sociological Study and Econometrics’ and establish a subculture that uses best practices from hunter-gather times to the gardening and farming types mentioned above, to best technologies from ancient to present day, best socio-economic and educational practices (e.g. Montessori, Apprenticeships, et al.), and appropriate ‘Economies of Scale’ for all productions of Goods and Services (i.e. no ‘Perversions of Scale’ like the National Cooky or the Regional Loaf of Bread).
So 21 Acres is not just a happy coincidence for me - it’s an emotional imperative Teleological named 21 for all the reasons stated on various pages that it appears in this expose’ (pp.1,9,15,19,23,24,27,30,31,32,33,34,35,37) and to whose physical location (only 8.4 miles away) I was brought to reside (Kirkland, WA 1:21 Clock Synchronicity p.28) by the communal spirit through which we are all connected.
Telephone: available on request
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