Gus’ Bank Synchronicities

 Gus’ Bank Synchronicities

I’m a musician who prefers to tune his instruments to Middle A = 432 Hz (i.e. the International Standard before WWII; that is also a number in Sacred Geometry). Sometime around 2017, I opened an account at Sound Credit Union partly because its name has the word ‘sound’ in it. When they gave me a Debit Card, I noticed the synchronicity that the card they gave me had 432 in the card number, and more surprisingly the randomly chosen security code number for my card was also 432. During 2018 I started thinking about investing in Silver, so I went to Sound Credit Union and rented a safe deposit box (to put the silver I’d be buying into), the number chosen randomly from those available (because it’s easier than repeatedly looking to see if the number you’re choosing has already been taken) turned out to be number 47, that’s the atomic number of Silver.

Safety Deposit Box Synchronicity: 47 is the atomic number of Silver


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