Chance or Destiny? Gus’ Portland Synchronicities
Chance or Destiny? Gus’ Portland Synchronicities
When I started my journey I had no idea where it would lead me and I had no idea it would be transcendental, nor did I even know what transcendence was, nor what such a journey would be like, or how long it would take – days, months, forever – though I did know I could stop and return at any time.
I followed my intuitive feelings, and kept a lookout for synchronicities to guide me where to go. Behavior like waiting at a street corner and watching which white ‘walk man’ light at a particular intersection in downtown Portland, OR would come on first, and then walking in that direction, lead me to the NW neighborhood. Similarly, watching my body make a left turn here, walk forward a few blocks, make a right turn there, walk a few blocks, make another left turn there, and another left turn here… and so on, I found an apt. building with a ‘for rent’ sign, and rented a studio.
Perhaps my family, and my best friend at the time with whom I had been staying in Seattle, felt somewhat abandoned by me. I was too busy taking incremental steps at ‘letting go’ and ‘being here now’ to do much communicating or to think about anything or anyone not immediately present. Perhaps my friend had been hoping I might rejoin him in doing carpentry.
During 2004 on vacation in the West Coast of the U.S., I revisited the NW neighborhood to see if I could find the apt. building I lived in while there. Finding it was important to me because it was in front of that apt. building May 1st, 1979 that I achieved transcendence teleportation. With the help of Google Maps, I remembered approximately what streets to look around, plus or minus a couple of streets perpendicular to NW 21st, 22nd, 23rd and south of NW Lovejoy St. When I drove there I followed fairly closely the streets from downtown which I had walked some twenty six years earlier, then I parked the rental car and finished the search walking half a block. Some things looked a bit different, a lot looked the same, and when I got to my street I noticed what I had not noticed until that time – the street I had live on was named Irving, which as it turned out was the last name of the carpenter that would team up with my best friend some two years later (c. 1980) for a life long career and which he had not yet met in 1979; and although I had remembered that I lived near NW 21st, I know realized I lived half way between NW 21st and NW 22nd which is how old I was at the time of my ascension (between 21 and 22 years old).
Furthermore, I noticed that the area code of the telephone number there is (503) which is backwards from my present area code in Miami, FL (305), so I wondered if there were any other such synchronicities, and then I noticed the apartments are called The Nordel which backwards is Le Dron(e) which is what repeating the OM mantra sound like – a drone; and in a bliss permeated way, surrender to the guidance of a spirit aura produced by OM mantra conduction often feels like being in a droning field of sentient electromagnetism.
So apparently I had not really abandoned family nor friends, and I had gone where I was supposed to go.
Next I noticed the apartment building next door was named – Adeline. Again, I remind you I did not pay any attention to that when I had lived in the building next door during 1978 – 1979, so I was unaware of that fact until my visit during 2004. As it turned out the young woman I would meet over a year later (during 1980), and move in with, beginning of October 1981, has the middle name Adeleena (note it’s not her first name nor her last name, it’s her middle name – like middle of 21st and 22nd Avenues where the two buildings are located side by side); it’s not a common name; I’d never heard of it either before or since.
The Adeline and Nordel Apartments are adjacent on Irving St. between NW 21 & 22 Avenues Portland OR.
My condolences to my family and friends’ feelings of that time, however these and so many other synchronicities in my life strongly incline me to believe that much of my biography has been destined and not mere chance.
These photographs were taken August 23, 2004.
This is a house across the street from where I lived in Portland, which I recognized as having seen during an out of body experience (some time between Oct. 1978 and March of 1979) in which my perceptive astral consciousness slowly floated and flew in a oval flight path over the top of both house and tree, then re-entered my body while I was in bed at the Nordel Apartments.
Suggested music: “ The Best Way to Travel” by The Moody Blues,
album: Insearch of the Lost Chord
“Astral Traveller” by Yes, album: Time and A Word
“Are We Ourselves” by The Fixx (applies to Astral Travel and especially to beyond Transcendental Bliss
Below: I, Gus, standing in front of the Nordel Apartments in NW Portland, OR probably on the very spot (certainly within inches) from which on approx. May 1st 1979 I dematerialized and ascended into Transcendental Bliss.
In 2004 as I was leaving, where NW Irving St. intersects with NW 21st Ave, I saw this restaurant (which was not there until 1998) called Lucy’s Table – Luz meaning light in Spanish; And cuisine limitations being an important part of my Transcendental Bliss journey, and one of my present main agendas – statistical science of the spiritual and karmic consequences of eating different types of foods. This restaurant sighting was a literary synchronicity about my lifelong destiny.
These photographs were taken August 23, 2004.
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