Gus’ Ghost Protocol Synchronicity

 Gus’ Ghost Protocol Synchronicity

Throughout 1995, until 2006, and a couple of repeats since, I have felt what it is like to have seven other people's faces (one at a time). During 2006, I felt what it is like to have Tom Cruise’s face - he is very happy to be Tom Cruise.

On August 27, 2019, I was hired at PCC Markets and given the employee number 12339. By December of 2022, my apartment rent was $1239. On December 23, 2022, I watched Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol - towards the beginning of that movie, Tom Cruise's character - Ethan Hunt - is using a very large computer monitor that on its screen is displayed IMF Protocol # 12339 - 78  21. (A), and the bottom left displays Mission #877462088-23H; all these numbers are: my employee number 12339; the year I started my Transcendental Journey 1978; the age I was (21), the following year, when I achieved Spiritual Enlightenment Ascension (May 1, 1979); the year I started working for a Reinsurance Broker (1987) thus a Global Warming reference; the year I first noticed air pollution in Seattle (1977); the prefix of my telephone number 877; the year I moved to 238 street (1974); my age (46) the year I visited Paris and Venice two cities in that movie; the age (20) I was when I started my Transcendental Journey during 1978; a partial explanation of 88 is in a photo below; 23H represents 238 (H being the 8th letter of the English Alphabet) is the Street Address of the house my mother lived in most of my life and that I used as my permanent address even when I lived elsewhere. 238 also stands for Uranium-238 which gets converted into Plutonium-235 that is used for atomic bombs - my family was let into the U.S. by Immigration on 9-11-1962, 32 days later was the Cuban Missile Crisis (i.e. potential WWIII with Atomic Bombs). During August of 2023, I found out that the telephone extension number of the Assistant Store Director (ASD) at PCC Kirkland (where I work) is 2339.

See photographs below

What these synchronicities (Transcendental Ascension, PCC Markets, Global Warming, IMF & Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol) have to do with each other, is a subject for another expose’.

PCC Kirkland’s Employee Clock-in Program Screen showing my employee number.

ASD phone extension number.

Screenshot from the Movie “Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol” 

Same info as lower left of the screen above. The dollar bill was randomly given to me as change for a $5 bill so I could play the lottery using numbers representing Ghost (G7,h8, o15, s19, t20) & 21. Notice someone had used a pen to change the serial number to have 88.

      My monthly rent $1239


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