‘Gus the Ghost’ Synchronicity

 ‘Gus the Ghost’ Synchronicity

I was born on January 6, the last day of ‘The 12 Days of Christmas’, also known as ‘Epiphany’. 

Epiphany has two meanings relevant to this expose’: 1. The Day of the Magi i.e.  the “wise men” from the East who brought gifts to the infant Jesus (Matt. 2:1), said in later tradition to be kings named Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar who brought gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh; and celebrated on January 6th as ‘The Day of Three Wise Men from the Orient’ also known as ‘Three Kings Day’. 2. A sudden Realization, Understanding, or Revelation often accompanied by profound emotional significance.

In my case the synchronicities are: 1. Although there are differences between the two words, Spirit and Ghost are often interchangeable. During my Transcendental Journey, I induced and conducted a profound and supernatural saintly white light spirit aura that was truly magical (magi, magical), thus the Gus Holy Spirit → Gus Holy Ghost → Gus the Ghost synchronicity. 2. As stated, January 6th (my birthday) is one of the 12 Days of Christmas, thus the “Gus was a Christmas Ghost” synchronicity. 3. Notice the citation regarding the Magi is from Matt. 2:1, I was 21 years old when I achieved Enlightenment. 4. I used 3 Eastern Philosophies and Practices to create an original Meditation, Mantra, Breathing, and ‘Flow’ practice that allowed me to achieve my Transcendent Enlightenment that gave me the Epiphany into the fundamental nature of reality. Thus Hindu Yoga; Buddhist Meditation, Dependent Origination, and Reality as Empty Space; and Taoism Eternal Flow) were my 3 Magi that brought my Transcendental Epiphany - i.e. the All Merciful, Omniscient, Eternal Life Communal Consciousness Energy Complex, whose most pervasive, noticeable, and memorable attribute is Transcendental Bliss.

See Bard A.I. for a more complete history of the definition of Epiphany.


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