Gus’ Quantum Physics & 79, 58, 21, 55 Synchronicities

 Gus’ Quantum Physics & 79, 58, 21, 55 Synchronicities

Gus was born during 1958, achieved Enlightenment at age 21 during 1979; and discovered that 55 is the angle that subtends the ‘Divine Spiral Wave’ a geometric wave that he also discovered.

The Scientist most importance leading up Quantum Physics where:

Michael Faraday

Born: 1791

He discovered the correlations between electricity and magnetism.

Max Planck

Born: 1858

Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck was a German theoretical physicist whose discovery of energy quanta won him the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1918.

Gus was born 100 years later during 1958.

In addition to his other discoveries, in 1899, Max Planck suggested that there existed some fundamental natural units for length, mass, time and energy. He derived these using dimensional analysis, using only the Newton gravitational constant, the speed of light and the Planck constant (though it was not yet called this). Thus, it sounds like Planck defined ‘The Ground of All Being’.

Gus - based on his own personal spiritual and transcendental experiences - has identified ‘Brahmajyoti’ as being synonymous with ‘The Zero Point Energy Field’ (i.e. the ‘just barely noticeable virtual particle difference above Brahma i.e. the Zero Kelvin Vacuum Field, and the Virtual Quantum Particle Field) which could be named Brahma’s Aura - thus making the connection between Hindu Philosophy’s idea of ‘The Ground of All Being’ with that of Quantum Physics’.

James Clark Maxwell

Died: 1879

Maxwell mathematically Codified what Faraday had found and was responsible for the classical theory of electromagnetic radiation, which was the first theory to describe electricity, magnetism and light as different manifestations of the same phenomenon.

Albert Einstein

Born: 1879 (the same year Maxwell died)

Died: 1955 

55 is the atomic number of Cesium, the atom used for our Atomic Clock to keep time. Recall that Einstein changed Physics with - among other things - his ‘Space-Time’ Theory that unified ‘Space & Time’ as one thing.

In 1921, Albert Einstein won the Nobel Prize in Physics for his work on the photoelectric effect. This discovery was a key step in the development of quantum theory. Einstein is considered one of the founding fathers of quantum theory, along with Niels Bohr and Max Planck.


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