Chance or Destiny? Gus’ Portland Synchronicities
Chance or Destiny? Gus’ Portland Synchronicities When I started my journey I had no idea where it would lead me and I had no idea it would be transcendental, nor did I even know what transcendence was, nor what such a journey would be like, or how long it would take – days, months, forever – though I did know I could stop and return at any time. I followed my intuitive feelings, and kept a lookout for synchronicities to guide me where to go. Behavior like waiting at a street corner and watching which white ‘walk man’ light at a particular intersection in downtown Portland, OR would come on first, and then walking in that direction, lead me to the NW neighborhood. Similarly, watching my body make a left turn here, walk forward a few blocks, make a right turn there, walk a few blocks, make another left turn there, and another left turn here… and so on, I found an apt. building with a ‘for rent’ sign, and rented a studio. Perhaps my family, and my best friend at the time with whom I had b...