
Showing posts from June, 2024

Chance or Destiny? Gus’ Portland Synchronicities

Chance or Destiny? Gus’ Portland Synchronicities When I started my journey I had no idea where it would lead me and I had no idea it would be transcendental, nor did I even know what transcendence was, nor what such a journey would be like, or how long it would take – days, months, forever – though I did know I could stop and return at any time. I followed my intuitive feelings, and kept a lookout for synchronicities to guide me where to go. Behavior like waiting at a street corner and watching which white ‘walk man’ light at a particular intersection in downtown Portland, OR would come on first, and then walking in that direction, lead me to the NW neighborhood. Similarly, watching my body make a left turn here, walk forward a few blocks, make a right turn there, walk a few blocks, make another left turn there, and another left turn here… and so on, I found an apt. building with a ‘for rent’ sign, and rented a studio. Perhaps my family, and my best friend at the time with whom I had b...

Gus’ “The Theosophist” Journal Synchronicity

  Gus’ “The Theosophist” Journal Synchronicity The Official Journal of the International Theosophical Society is a monthly magazine titled “The Theosophist”, and was founded by H.P. Blavatsky in 18 79 . On May 1, 19 79 , Gus achieved Enlightenment Permeating the Material World, then attained Transcendental Enlightenment as a consequence of continuing his originally created practice that induced a Supersentient (i.e. Extra-Sensory Perceptive) Saintly Whitelight (Prana, Chi, Holy Spirit) Aura. Vol. 1, The Theosophist: October 18 79 - September 1880 The Theosophist:  Reprints of H.P. Blavatsky's  First Magazine (

Gus’ Quantum Physics & 79, 58, 21, 55 Synchronicities

  Gus’ Quantum Physics & 79, 58, 21, 55 Synchronicities Gus was born during 1958, achieved Enlightenment at age 21 during 1979; and discovered that 55 is the angle that subtends the ‘Divine Spiral Wave’ a geometric wave that he also discovered. The Scientist most importance leading up Quantum Physics where: Michael Faraday Born: 1 79 1 He discovered the correlations between electricity and magnetism. Max Planck Born: 18 58 Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck was a German theoretical physicist whose discovery of energy quanta won him the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1918. Gus was born 100 years later during 1958. In addition to his other discoveries, in 1899, Max Planck suggested that there existed some fundamental natural units for length, mass, time and energy. He derived these using dimensional analysis, using only the Newton gravitational constant, the speed of light and the Planck constant (though it was not yet called this). Thus, it sounds like Planck defined ‘The Ground of All Bei...

Gus’ Christian Science Synchronicities

  Gus’ Christian Science Synchronicities On Sunday October 3, 2021 I did a Google Maps search for the First Church of Christ, Scientists, in Redmond, WA; to my great surprise their address is  16911 NE 79th st This is all synchronicity for me because:  I was born during January, the first month of the year, on the 6th day - i.e. 1.6 (Day of the 3  Magic Kings, also known as Epiphany). My family was let into the U.S. on 9-11-(1962); 32 days later was the Cuban Missile Crisis. If ever there was an emergency in humanity's history the Cuban Missile Crisis was it. 911 is the telephone number to call in case of emergencies. This evidence could be called: NE - Numeric Enlightenment; May 1 st 19 79 was the culmination of my human species world class s piritual t ransformation (st) journey. Thus every number and letter in the address of the C.S. Church in Redmond is a divine intervention relating to me. Most of my adult life I have visited various Judeo-christian churches, ...

Gus’ Anagram Definition Synchronicity

  Gus’ Anagram Definition Synchronicity 1958: anagram An anagram is a word or phrase formed by rearranging the letters of another word or phrase 1 . The term “anagram” dates back to 1589 1 (i.e. an anagram of 1958 or vise versa). I was born in 1958 . There are a lot of anagram date synchronicities in my biography, most having to do with 79, 55, 21 - numbers related to my transcendental journey achievement. 58: “The Washington to Oregon State Border was updated in 1958.” - KTVB anchor. Gus started my Transcendental Journey, testing the boundaries between Mind and Matter, in Washington State and finished in Oregon State. 78: I started my Transcendental Journey and experienced being borne (i.e. carried) by my spiritual aura through the bourne (i.e. boundary) between Mind and Matter, of and in the actual material world - both being Quantum Physical effects - during 19 78 . There were 7.8 Billion People on Earth as of January 6th, 2021 . January 6 is my Birthday, it is also ‘Epiphan...

Gus’ Dow Synchronicities

  Gus’ Dow Synchronicities (pronounced Dao) Gus went to ‘Dower Elementary School’ for 5th & 6th grades.  A person who teaches is a teacher, a person who makes pots is a potter, a person who bakes is a baker, a person who writes is a writer, etc., so we could say that a person who follows the Dow (pronounced Dao a.k.a Tao) is a Dower. The Dao is a Chinese Philosophy often translated into English as “The Way”. Transcendental practices from Daoism, Hindu Yoga, and Buddhist Meditation techniques, were very important in my Spiritual Enlightenment Journey that I started during September of 1978 and finished in 19 79 . Notice on the map below, that across the street from Dower Elementary School is 79 th St. and that it’s path looks more like that of a wave or a stream, or river, than a typical street - one of the metaphors or main sayings of Daoism is “You can never step into the same stream twice”, it’s another way of saying “Everything Changes” or “The Dao that can be named is ...

Gus’ Bank Synchronicities

  Gus’ Bank Synchronicities I’m a musician who prefers to tune his instruments to Middle A = 432 Hz (i.e. the International Standard before WWII; that is also a number in Sacred Geometry). Sometime around 2017, I opened an account at Sound Credit Union partly because its name has the word ‘sound’ in it. When they gave me a Debit Card, I noticed the synchronicity that the card they gave me had 432 in the card number, and more surprisingly the randomly chosen security code number for my card was also 432. During 2018 I started thinking about investing in Silver, so I went to Sound Credit Union and rented a safe deposit box (to put the silver I’d be buying into), the number chosen randomly from those available (because it’s easier than repeatedly looking to see if the number you’re choosing has already been taken) turned out to be number 47, that’s the atomic number of Silver. Safety Deposit Box Synchronicity: 47 is the atomic number of Silver